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Stuffed Baked Eggplant

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Eggplant is commonly known as a vegetable, but in reality, it's a fruit. It is popular in some countries: East Asia, southeast, and south Asia, as well as in the Middle East and the Mediterranean countries. There are a lot of dishes you can prepare with eggplant, but today I'll specifically explain how to fill up eggplants with vegetables.

The first time I heard about it, it was around seven years ago, I went to a friend's house for a Vegetarian BBQ. To be honest, it didn't catch my attention right after, however, when I tasted it, it completely changed my mind. I started eating. Are you up for this?

45 Minutes

2 portions

How to make

INGREDIENTS ✅ 1 Purple Eggplant ✅ 1/2 Cucumbers ✅ 5 small Mushrooms ✅ 8 Cherry Tomatoes ✅ Grated Cheese ✅ Parmesan cheese ✅ Black Pepper


Step 1 ‎Preheat the oven to 350 F Step 2

Chop the vegetables (cucumber, tomato, and onion), put them in a pan on medium heat for 5 ‎minutes. Add the seasonings you want. (Italian herbs, basil, Parsil, cumin, coriander powder, ‎black pepper, etc.)‎ Step 3

Make sure the eggplant is fresh. Wash the eggplant, cut it in half, spray it with oil, and put it on a baking tray. Step 4

Place the tray in the oven and bake it for 20 -25 minutes. Once the eggplant is soft to take it out, and let it cool down 5- 10 min ‎

Step 5 Carefully remove the center part of the eggplant with a spoon without touching the bottom and filled it with the roasted veggies Step 6

Take the eggplant back to the oven for 10 minutes.‎

Step 7 Remove it from the oven and add the grated cheese on the top, then put them back to ‎the oven for 2-5 min in broil-low option to let the cheese melt Step 8

Serve on a flat plate, add the chopped cherry tomato on the top, and spread a bit of Parmesan ‎cheese


Green Avocado salad, Baguette toast, or couscous.

Beverage Pairings

Thanks to eggplants savor, this dish goes well with red blend wine, such as; Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Syrah.

Note: The removed part of the eggplant could be eaten in a salad or make a dip with

When you buy the eggplant, make sure it's fresh, heavy for its size, firm, and with zero no imperfections, go for the big, dark.

Enjoy it!‎ Check the video below

Hope you like it. :)

For more recipes, visit my YouTube channel

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