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Air Fryer Vegetable Muffins

The Air fryer revolution started over a year ago. Despite the fact that my friends and family told me that this pot was going to change my life, I was not really convinced of the usefulness because we eat a lot of vegetables, not fried, not flours, etc.

During the last 3 months, I started to bake fresh vegetables every day in the morning before going to work, to have a fresh lunch. One day, we started to think about buying the air fryer.

Well, for this investment, you had to do more in-depth research, the prices, the best brands, the recipes and the contraindications. Apparently, we did not find any contraindication and according to our research it is safe to use because "it is not bad for your health".

I was still very reticent, I didn’t see how many recipes, I waited for a week, until one day I made a roasted yellow plantain and there it convinced me, I kind of fell in love with. Then, I decided to make many more recipes and even to try things I never thought before.

Well, this whole introduction to present today's recipe.

Air Fryer Vegetable muffins

How to make it??

Prep time 25 min/ Servings 8

INGREDIENTS ✅ 1 Green zucchini ✅ 2 bell peppers ✅ 2 eggs ✅ 1 small onion ✅ 3 tablespoons of gluten-free flour ✅ 6 cherry tomatoes ✅ 1/2 teaspoon of salt, pepper and basil ✅ 100 gr of Feta cheese ✅ 100 gr of grated Mozzarella cheese INSTRUCTIONS Step 1 Chop the vegetables, put them in a bowl, add the egg, flour, salt, pepper and basil. Mix all the ingredients well until the mixture has a thick consistency. Step 2 Put the silicone molds in the Air fryer and fill them with the mixture. Turn the pot on at 320 F for 12 minutes. Step 2 After 10 minutes remove the muffins and sprinkle the grated mozzarella cheese on top. Step 3 Return the muffins to the pot for another 7 minutes, until the cheese is melted and golden brown. Recommendations To know if the muffins are well cooked, insert the bit of a knife or fork in the center of the muffins. I don't make them a lot of flour because I like the taste of the egg better, the smoothness of the texture, of course, if you prefer them fluffy, add double the flour.

If you don't have the air fryer, then, preheat the oven to 350 F. Put the silicone molds on a muffin or cupcake tray. Cook the muffins for 20 minutes, then add the mozzarella cheese and bake for 5 more minutes.


Serve with salad, quinoa, or couscous

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