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Pandeyuca Colombian Style

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

"Pandeyuca (Cassava bread) is a type of bread based on cassava starch and cheese, typical of southern Colombia and the coastal region of Ecuador"

Inspired today by my mom cuisine (La cocina de mamá) I will show you, how to make Pandeyuca

40 Minutes

20-25 portions

A traditional breakfast in some Colombian regions consists of hot chocolate, cheese, and some pastries such as pandeyuca, pandebono, buñuelo almojabana, and so on. Moreover, Colombians eat these pastries during the day with coffee, natural fruit juices, or any soda (Coke, sprite, Ginger.)

While in Guayaquil, Ecuador, they eat Pandeyuca with yoghurt, hold on, Whatttt? Yeah, it was my reaction too. Not kidding, it sounds weird, but I’ve tried it, and it's good. As I said, they also eat them during the day.

For Latin people, #breakfast is very important. The first meal of the day comes mainly with dairy products, eggs, bread, arepas, tortillas, or plantain dishes.

As in our countries, fruits are harvested are all year round, do not be surprised to have natural fruit juices daily at breakfast.

“Although in Colombia we have a large #coffee production, everyone does not drink as much coffee as expected, at least 70% of Colombians include coffee at breakfast. For example, my family tends to drink hot chocolate instead”.
How to make it


250 gr Cassava starch

250 gr Canadian or Macedonian Feta Cheese, also (queso costeño)

50 gr Corn starch

1 Egg

300 ml of water or milk

A pinch of baking soda

Salt to taste, if needed


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 400 F

Step 2

In a bowl, mix the cassava and cornstarch with the grated cheese, baking powder, eggs, and add water; stir by hand until the dough is soft.

Step 3

Once you get the soft dough, make the pandeyucas in a ball or bagel shape

Step 4

Place the pandeyucas in a baking tray and let them rest for about 5 minutes

Step 5

Take the tray to the oven and bake it for 25 min till the pandeyucas get cooked

Step 6

Leave it for five more minutes in the low-grill option to get this appealing golden color.


Serve with yogurt, natural juices, soda, coffee, mimosa, or hot chocolate.

See you next time

Watch the video here!

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